Soul’s Harbor Capital Improvement Campaign
Soul’s Harbor, Inc.
Capital Improvement Campaign
Soul’s Harbor is over half a century old, and other than when The Harbor was established in 1956, we’ve never had a Capital Improvement Campaign seeking to raise money. We’ve been blessed to be self-supportive through the generously donated items our supporters provide that we then resale at our Thrift Stores. So why are we asking for money now? There’s a simple answer to that valid question; actually there’s two answers. The first is because our facilities are old. Most of them are over 50 years old, they’re inefficient, cramped and deteriorating. The last “renovation” of any sort was to our downstairs dormitory and that was over 15 years ago. The cost of ongoing maintenance of all our buildings is getting more expensive every year and in some cases, structures are simply too far gone to continue maintenance without significant renovation.
The second reason is there’s a greater need than we can currently meet. We’re always at capacity and are forced to turn away more men than we can accept into the program. This is because we simply don’t have the room to accommodate them. These are men who have hit “rock bottom” and recognize their need for what Soul’s Harbor provides. It is very heartbreaking to have to turn men away. The money we are attempting to raise will increase the number of men we can serve from 66 to over 100.
We recognize there are many charities you can choose to support. We’d like to share three reasons why we feel entrusting some of your hard-earned charitable dollars to Soul’s Harbor would be worthwhile.
RESULTS – if a man completes Soul’s Harbor’s 6 month program along with our exit plan strategy, there’s a 63% greater likelihood of him living a long-term life of sobriety
STEWARDSHIP – we strive to be responsible stewards of the money entrusted to us. Less than 5% of funds raised/donated go to administrative cost
SELF-SUFFICIENCY – as mentioned earlier, we gratefully can sustain ours self through generous donations of clothing, furniture, appliances, cars, etc. that we sell at our Thrift Stores. The need to come to you with a Capital Fund Campaign is a one-time endeavor to allow us to accomplish a “once-in-a-generation” need.
So what will we be doing with the money that’s given?
- 4 new residential dorms which will house 25 men each
- A larger and more efficient kitchen that will allow 100+ men to be fed three times a day
- Complete renovation of the Meeting Hall to accommodate 120 people
- Renovation of Offices and computer lounge
- Rebuilding of the Recreation/Entertainment Room where the men will be able to work out and relax
Often pictures with words can tell a story better than words alone. I share this because you may know someone “The Harbor” can help and I share it in the hope that you may be moved to help The Harbor continues its mission. I’d like to encourage you to view a short video that tells a more complete story of Soul’s Harbor, shares the stories of some of the men whose lives have been changed because of their participation in the program at Soul’s Harbor. I share it because you may know someone “The Harbor” can help and I share it in the hope that you may be moved to help “The Harbor” continue its mission.
Thank you!
Pledge and/or Contribute to Soul’s Harbor
Capital Improvement Campaign
Current Funds Raised = $151,129.35
(Total updated March 27, 2023)
For information regarding intake/admission into our recovery facility, please contact:
Dispatch Representative Soul’s Harbor, Inc. 13134 Nile Drive Dallas, Texas 75253 972.286.1940 972.286.5282 Fax |
New Online Donation Processing: Soul’s Harbor, Inc. 13134 Nile Drive Dallas, Texas 75253 972.286.1940 972.286.5282 Fax |
Soul’s Harbor Substance Abuse Program Questions and Intake
Please contact our intake Manager
Cell number 214-663-9684
Soul’s Harbor can now provide the convenience of taking your donation request online. Just follow the link to our online “Household Donation Request Form“. We are also now taking vehicle donations and have an online donation processing form for this too. “Vehicle Donation Request Form”
To help Soul’s Harbor financially you can donate by clicking the donate button.