March 2024 Newsletter
Free from Fear…
What happens when I open my heart? I suffer. That was the answer for most of my life. Because feeling things, for me, is an extremely difficult proposition. Without a higher power to give me a solid foundation, my emotions were constantly in flux. Rejection was simultaneously my biggest fear and my most welcome companion. I would enter relationships and work opportunities with a predetermined attitude of “This will end in disaster.” Inevitably, things would end in disaster, and I would be proven the genius I always knew I was. I was predicting the future. Except I was rigging the outcome. I would gladly hurt and deceive all my loved ones with my selfish behavior and gluttonous drinking, rather than save the relationships I pretended not to care about. And I considered that honesty. But I was not able to rigorously examine my thoughts, behaviors, and actions on my own. Because I am a broken individual when I try to do things on my own. Though I thought I could out think any situation, I have come to learn that I am strongest when I have the support of my family, friends, a sponsor, and most importantly a higher power.
I was born in Memphis, TN, but I grew up in Garland, TX. I was a joyful child full of vigor and enthusiasm. I was a stellar student, and I also excelled at sports and creative arts. However, I was already practicing deception at an incredibly early age. I would hide all my mistakes and weaknesses because facing consequences was too difficult for me to manage. I relied on and romanticized my natural abilities. Demanding work was for those less talented than me. When presented with situations that I could not manage, my mantra was “I don’t care.” And though my parents were loving and supportive Christians, I chose not to engage in a spiritual life of any kind because I was too cool for all that. So, when I first started having existential crises as a teenager, I turned to alcohol. And that was the start of my most substantial, long-lasting relationship of any kind. A love affair with alcohol.
Man, did I want to blame my problems on women. It had to be her fault I was not successful in life. It was her fault I never authored the Great American Novel, not that my double vision from drinking was making it too hard to type. It was her fault my pseudo-career as a musician never panned out, not that I was black-out drunk every gig I played. So as women rightly rejected me, my ambitions disintegrated, and the pain I felt became overwhelming, I continued to turn to my lover alcohol. My best friend who loved to drink with me even eventually said, “It’s not how much you drink, but why you drink.” Instead of using those watchwords as a growing opportunity, I doubled down. I was the world’s greatest alcoholic. It was my purpose. To drink to oblivion.
So, I closed myself off to the world. I isolated myself and searched for alcoholic bliss. I only found more pain. And failed many attempts to end my life through drinking and other methods. I was too afraid to live and too scared to kill myself. Without any intentions of getting better, I ended up at Soul’s Harbor. And though I was working on a program with a sponsor, I kept a wall up. The willingness to get better was not there. I no longer had the compulsion to drink, but I did not want to let go of the shame and resentments that I had been holding onto for 25 years. They had come to define who I thought I was.
And then I opened my heart. Or rather, I was given the strength to open my heart. Through daily prayer and meditation, I was finally able to get in touch with a higher power. And I found a reserve of strength I did not know I had. I was now able to feel joy or to ache in pain, and not immediately turn to my old cunning mistress alcohol. And though I will not say I quit drinking, I can always confidently say, “I will not drink today.” I wake up, pray with intent, and ask for help from my higher power. And after a successful day of being sober, I give thanks to that same power for giving me the strength. Next month, I will be sober and clean for 2 years. Soul’s Harbor gave me the space to learn these tools. And I am grateful to all my brothers here who have helped me get better along the way. So, what happens when I open my heart? I got better.
Soul’s Harbor Inaugural Gala…
Soul’s Harbor is thrilled to announce the upcoming gala, a beacon of hope and transformation for men. The gala will be Thursday evening, April 25th from 6 to 10 PM and held at Edison’s, which is located at 1724 Cockrell Avenue. It will be catered by Eddie Deen, one of the largest caterers in the southwest. Our aim is to raise $1.5 million for the construction of a new kitchen and dining hall facility. A table for 10 people is $3,000 and a single seat is $300. We have a limited number of inaugural sponsorships available at $10,000, which includes a table along with many other benefits. See our website page: Gala Fundraiser for Soul’s Harbor
For questions and additional information about our gala, please email:
We need your help…
Soul’s Harbor homeless shelter is supported solely by our four thrift stores. You can donate your household items via phone (972-286-1940) or our “Household Donation Request Form” page. We also take automobiles “Vehicle Donation Request Form“. So if you have old clothes, furniture, appliances, household items, or even a car to donate to Soul’s Harbor, either fill out our online form or call our dispatch office at 972-286-1940. Our dispatch office is open Monday through Saturday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
We are sustained solely through our four thrift store sales. We rely on your donated items to support our shelter. At Soul’s Harbor, we would like to thank all our customers that donate their items and also our thrift store customers. Because without our customers, there would be no Soul’s Harbor.
Thank you and God Bless.
Brent Burmaster
Executive Director of Soul’s Harbor Homeless Shelter
For information regarding intake/admission into our recovery facility, please contact:
Dispatch Representative
Soul’s Harbor, Inc.
13134 Nile Drive
Dallas, Texas 75253
972.286.5282 Fax
Soul’s Harbor Substance Abuse Program Questions and Intake
Please contact our intake Manager
Cell number 214-663-9684
New Online Donation Processing:
Soul’s Harbor, Inc.
13134 Nile Drive
Dallas, Texas 75253
972.286.5282 Fax
Soul’s Harbor can now provide the convenience of taking your donation request online. Just follow the link to our online “Household Donation Request Form”. We are also now taking vehicle donations and have an online donation processing form for this too. “Vehicle Donation Request Form”
To help Soul’s Harbor financially you can donate by clicking the donate button.